I Don’t Know How to Make a Custom Function to Change Colours of Numbers Separated by “/”
Image by Fiona - hkhazo.biz.id

I Don’t Know How to Make a Custom Function to Change Colours of Numbers Separated by “/”

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Are you tired of staring at a sea of bland, black numbers separated by slashes? Do you want to add a pop of color to your numerical strings? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of custom functions and explore how to change the colors of numbers separated by forward slashes.

What’s the Problem?

Let’s face it – plain black numbers can be, well, plain boring. When you’re working with numerical strings that contain slashes, it can be difficult to distinguish between different parts of the string. That’s where custom functions come in. By creating a custom function, you can add some visual flair to your numerical strings and make them more readable.

What Do We Need to Achieve?

Our goal is to create a custom function that can take a numerical string separated by forward slashes as an input and return the same string with each number in a different color. For example, if our input string is “1/2/3”, we want the output to be “1/2/3“.

Step 1: Breaking Down the Problem

Before we dive into the coding part, let’s break down the problem into smaller, manageable chunks:

  • We need to take the input string and split it into individual numbers separated by slashes.
  • We need to assign a different color to each number.
  • We need to combine the colored numbers with slashes in between.

The Magic of Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for pattern matching and manipulation. In this case, we can use regex to split our input string into individual numbers separated by slashes. Let’s take a look at an example:

const inputString = "1/2/3";
const regex = /\d+/g;
const numbers = inputString.match(regex);
console.log(numbers); // Output: ["1", "2", "3"]

In this example, the regex pattern /\d+/g matches one or more digits (\d+) and the g flag at the end makes it a global search, returning all matches in an array.

Step 2: Assigning Colors to Numbers

Now that we have an array of individual numbers, we need to assign a different color to each one. We can do this using an array of color codes:

const colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange"];

We can then use the index of each number in the array to determine its corresponding color:

const coloredNumbers = numbers.map((number, index) => {
  const color = colors[index % colors.length];
  return `${number}`;
console.log(coloredNumbers); // Output: ["1", "2", "3"]

In this example, we use the map() method to iterate over the array of numbers and return a new array with the colored numbers. We use the modulus operator (%) to cycle through the colors array, ensuring that we don’t run out of colors if our input string has more numbers than colors.

Step 3: Combining Colored Numbers with Slashes

Now that we have an array of colored numbers, we need to combine them with slashes in between. We can do this using the join() method:

const outputString = coloredNumbers.join("/");
console.log(outputString); // Output: "1/2/3"

In this example, we use the join() method to combine the colored numbers with slashes in between. We use a black color for the slashes to provide contrast with the colored numbers.

The Final Function

Now that we’ve broken down the problem and solved each step, we can combine the code into a single custom function:

function colorizeNumbers(inputString) {
  const regex = /\d+/g;
  const numbers = inputString.match(regex);
  const colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange"];
  const coloredNumbers = numbers.map((number, index) => {
    const color = colors[index % colors.length];
    return `${number}`;
  const outputString = coloredNumbers.join("/");
  return outputString;

We can now call this function with our input string to get the desired output:

const inputString = "1/2/3";
const outputString = colorizeNumbers(inputString);
console.log(outputString); // Output: "1/2/3"


And there you have it! With a little creativity and some regex magic, we’ve created a custom function that can change the colors of numbers separated by forward slashes. Whether you’re working with numerical strings in a web application or simply want to add some visual flair to your data, this function is sure to come in handy.

Table of Contents

Section Description
What’s the Problem? Introducing the problem and the goal of the article
Breaking Down the Problem Dividing the problem into smaller, manageable chunks
The Magic of Regular Expressions Using regex to split the input string into individual numbers
Assigning Colors to Numbers Using an array of color codes to assign a different color to each number
Combining Colored Numbers with Slashes Using the join() method to combine the colored numbers with slashes in between
The Final Function Combining the code into a single custom function
Conclusion Summarizing the article and the benefits of the custom function

I hope you found this article helpful! If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck with coloring numbers separated by “/”? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: I’m new to coding, how do I even start making a custom function?

Start by defining your function with the name you want, followed by parentheses that contain the input parameters. For example, `function colorNumbers(inputString) { … }`. Then, inside the function, use JavaScript’s built-in `split()` method to separate the numbers into an array, and finally, use a loop to iterate through the array and apply the desired color to each number!

Q2: How do I split the input string into separate numbers?

Easy peasy! Use the `split()` method and pass the separator `/` as an argument, like this: `inputString.split(‘/’)`. This will return an array of strings, where each string is a number separated by the `/` character.

Q3: How do I apply a specific color to each number?

You can use HTML’s `` element to wrap each number and apply a CSS style to it. For example, `number`. Just replace `blue` with the color of your choice!

Q4: How do I join the colored numbers back into a single string?

Use the `join()` method! Simply call `join(‘/’)` on the array of colored numbers, and it will concatenate them back into a single string, separated by the `/` character.

Q5: Can I customize the color of each number based on a specific condition?

Absolutely! Use an `if` statement or a `switch` statement to check the condition and apply the corresponding color. For example, `if (number > 10) { color = ‘red’; } else { color = ‘green’; }`. Then, apply the color to the number using the `` element.